Do you accept insurance?
We are in network with BCBS Healthy Blue, Wellcare, UHC Optum, Ameriheatlh Caritas, NC Medicaid Standard Plan, NC Health Choice, and Carolina Complete.
If we are not in-network with your specific plan, payment will be expected at the time of service and we will gladly give you documentation to assist you with claims for you to submit for reimbursement.
How do I know if my child needs an evaluation?
If you suspect your child has a speech, or language challenge, it is usually a good idea to have your child evaluated. You may also be interested in getting your child evaluated if you’ve received a recommendation from your child’s physician, your child’s teacher suggests it, or even if you are just curious about your child’s development.
Although there are several milestones available that can give you an estimate of where your child should be from a developmental standpoint, please note that what is considered “normal” can vary widely from child to child. In addition, just because one of your children was talking or saying certain words by a certain age and another one of your children was not, does NOT necessarily mean that one of your children has a delay in his or her development.
When in doubt, having an evaluation may give you peace of mind and help you determine if in fact your child would benefit from speech therapy.
What can I expect during an evaluation or a therapy session?
The first step is to schedule your child for a speech-language evaluation. The speech-language pathologist (SLP) will conduct a thorough speech evaluation with your child. Depending on the child’s age and needs, you may be asked to be present during the session. Evaluations may take from 45 minutes up to 2 hours and may be spread out over two or more sessions. Evaluations are typically completed in one session.
Depending on your child’s needs, therapy sessions may be conducted in a more quiet room-such as home office, study, sitting room, or bedroom to minimize interruptions. In other cases, the sessions may be held in a more open environment, such as your family room or the dining room. If the latter is the case, such a setting need not be totally distraction free.
The therapist will use the environment to incorporate everyday experiences into the therapy session.
For example, instead of a ringing telephone turning into a distraction, it could be used as a learning exercise to help very young children learn vocabulary, pronunciation, word association, and articulation. Questions include: “What is making that ringing sound?” “What does a person do with a telephone?” “What do you say when you pick up the telephone?”
The speech-language pathologist will provide you with details regarding therapy sessions if therapy is recommended after your child’s evaluation.
I think my child needs speech therapy, but according to the school, he/she doesn't qualify for services. Does this mean my child won't meet the requirements to receive therapy with you?
Not necessarily. Most public school systems have certain guidelines they must follow, which are mandated by state and/or local governments. These standards dictate which students receive speech therapy (as well as a variety of other therapy services) based on specific test scores. We offer a comprehensive, wide array of tests when diagnosing your child and aren't required to use the state's mandates to determine eligibility. In addition, we consult with you (and teachers and caregivers as necessary) to understand your child’s unique needs and cultural context, as well as to understand the goals you and the teachers have for your child. Such in-depth analysis helps us to create a complete assessment of how speech therapy may help your child.
“We are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED with the progress Montario has made! He now knows his alphabet sounds, some words and says them when he wouldn’t before. His motor skills have improved also. We are so excited to see his progress!”
- Montario’s Mom
*Are you an SLP who would love to be school based in an area of North Carolina? Call 704-845-0561 and ask for Margaret!
*All services provided with utmost privacy and discretion