Preventing Summer Learning Loss

Help your child stay prepared over the summer for the following school year. Here are some tips to help keep your child engaged over the summer and prevent them from losing all their progress.

Continue Speech Therapy in the Summer

Continuing speech therapy over the summer will allow your child to continue practicing their learned skills, progress towards meeting their goals and prevent any summer learning loss.  This will also benefit your child when transitioning back to school after the summer break.  During speech therapy, your child is practicing interacting, attending to the therapist, and participating in joint activities; these are all school-based expectations.  Summer speech therapy will also give your child an expected scheduled, consistent, and structured time during their summer. Last but not least, speech therapy can be an enjoyable activity for your child to do!


Schedule Structured Time

A child will benefit greatly from keeping a consistent routine throughout the summer. Use a calendar to schedule structured time throughout the week for practicing school skills.  Reading daily with your child will be beneficial in making sure they are practicing their reading skills.  There are many learning apps available that you can download for your child to continue learning. You can find apps for math, reading, science, and social studies.  Encourage your child to play learning-based games and activities. Creativity and imagination are also essential to keeping the brain engaged in learning.


Enroll Your Child in Day Camps and other Activities

Not only can your child benefit from summer day camps and activities, but they will likely have a great time and enjoy the social aspect of it. There are numerous different types of daycare centers, summer school programs, and camps offered. Signing your child up for these programs allows them to have a consistent, structured day and have loads of fun. Your child will have something to look forward to and can continue socializing and making new friends.


Let’s Keep those Young Minds Learning

Even though summer is supposed to be a relaxing and fun break for your child, you don’t want them to take any steps backward. Keep them engaged with these possible activities to help them keep the skills they have already learned and maybe even get a step ahead. Keeping things consistent will help your child transition into the new school year without it feeling like the end of the universe to them.